Command Line Documentation

usage: hot [-h] {infer,generate,evaluate} ...



Infer routing topology from additive path data.

hot infer [-h] [--order ORDER] [--alphas ALPHAS [ALPHAS ...]]
          [--powers POWERS [POWERS ...]]
          [--thresholds THRESHOLDS [THRESHOLDS ...]] [--n-groups N_GROUPS]
          [--resample-size RESAMPLE_SIZE] [--max-size MAX_SIZE]
          [--l1-weight L1_WEIGHT] [--l1-exponent L1_EXPONENT]
          [--nnz-threshold NNZ_THRESHOLD] [--solver_args SOLVER_ARGS]
          [--seed SEED]
          data_filename output_directory

Positional Arguments


CSV file containing the path data sample.


Directory where output files from the inference are saved.

Named Arguments


Maximum cumulant order to evaluate.

Default: 3


Significance threhsolds for nonzero common cumulant tests at orders 2, 3, 4, …, <order>. E.g., “–alphas 1e-40 1e-30” accepts nonzero 2nd-order ccs to a significance of 1e-40 and 3rd-order ccs to a significance of 1e-30.


Statistical power estimates for the nonzero common cumulant tests at orders 3, 4, …, <order>. E.g., “–powers 0.95 0.9” estimates the test power to be 0.95 for 3rd-order ccs and 0.9 for 4th-order ccs. If a single float is provided, this power is used for all orders.


Robustness thresholds for tightening the bounding topology at orders 3, 4, …, <order>. Similar to –powers. If a single float is provided, this threshold is used for all orders.


Number of resamples to generate by bootstrapping.


Size of each resample to generate by bootstrapping. If 0, the resample sizes are the same size as the original sample.

Default: 0


Largest acceptable size of a non-maximal path set.


Weight for the lasso regularizer.

Default: 0.1


Exponent for the lasso regularizer.

Default: 0.0


Threshold to decide if estimated exact cumulants are nonzero.

Default: 0.001


JSON object of arguments for the CVXPY solver. See CVXPY documentation at

Default: “{“verbose”: false, “solver”: “OSQP”, “eps_abs”: 1e-10, “eps_rel”: 1e-10}”


Random seed.

Default: 1234


Generate synthetic path delay data.

hot generate [-h] [--monitors MONITORS] [--samples SAMPLES]
             [--delay-mean DELAY_MEAN] [--delay-std DELAY_STD]
             [--delay-scale DELAY_SCALE] [--seed SEED]
             edgelist_filename data_filename links_filename

Positional Arguments


Edge list file for the underlying network.


Path for the output file of path delay samples.


Path for the output file with the ground-truth links (as path sets).

Named Arguments


Number of monitor nodes.

Default: 5


Number of path delay samples.

Default: 100000


Average of mean delays for links.

Default: 10.0


Std. dev. of mean delays for links.

Default: 2.0


Scale parameter for link delay gamma distributions.

Default: 4.0


Random seed.

Default: 1234


Evaluate an estimated routing topology against ground truth.

hot evaluate [-h] estimate_filename true_filename

Positional Arguments


JSON file containing the predicted-links (as path sets).


JSON file containing the ground-truth links (as path sets).